• The Power of Curiosity in Knowledge Acquisition

    From my earliest memories, curiosity has been my guiding light. I’ve always had an intense thirst for knowledge, with a keen desire to understand the world around me. Growing up in the 70s in a small town, avenues for learning were limited. Yet, my curiosity propelled me to seek information through every means available. Radio…

  • The Olympics: A Celebration of Unity in Diversity

    The Olympic Games have long been revered as a symbol of unity amidst diversity, tracing back to their inception in 776 BC in Greece. From those ancient beginnings to the modern-day spectacle, the Olympics have served as a platform where cultures, races, and nations converge to compete on a grand stage. With the birth of…

  • Building a Better Community: Embracing Our Common

    In a world marred by divisions of race, country, religion, caste, gender, and colour, it’s crucial to remind ourselves of a fundamental truth: we are all part of the same human community. Beyond these labels lies our shared humanity, serving as the bedrock upon which we can construct a more equitable and compassionate world. What…

  • Unravelling the Mystery of Happiness: A Personal Reflection In the maze of life, one question keeps popping up: What’s the point of being here? It’s not something you can neatly wrap up in a few words, but let’s try to dive into it a bit. At the heart of human endeavour lies a singular pursuit:…

  • The Evolution of Technology in Engineering and Construction

    Quite often, the great strides in human progress are gauged by the advancements they have made in technology. From the fuelled by the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 1700s and 1800s, and with European colonies being set up all across the world, technology grew by leaps and bounds. The 1900s and the twentieth century…

  • The Power of Saying No: Navigating Choices Towards Your Goals

    Stephen Covey once profoundly stated, “For every stimulus, there is a response. In between, there is a space where you have all the time and power to choose the response, wherein lies your freedom and happiness.” This notion encapsulates the pivotal role of choice in shaping our lives and directing us towards our goals. In…

  • Rediscovering the Ideal Weather: Crafting a Perfect Day     

                                                                                                                                                                               In the annals of time, weather and climate were once steadfast companions, following predictable patterns that offered a sense of security and stability. Early forecasters could rely on the repetition of these patterns, guiding communities through the seasons with relative ease. However, the landscape of our planet has undergone a dramatic transformation in…

  • Striving for Decency: Defining Our Essence in One Word

    In the complexity of life, finding a single word to capture our essence is both challenging and revealing. Picture yourself at the end of your journey, listening to the murmurs of those gathered at your funeral. What word defines your existence? Benevolent? Kind? Or perhaps, something less flattering like thief or cruel? Each person’s perspective,…

  • Choosing the Right Mode of Travel for Cross-Country Adventures

    Embarking on a cross-country journey ignites a sense of exhilaration in the heart of any traveller. For me, travel isn’t just a pastime; it’s a way of life. Upon retiring from my regular job, I eagerly embraced the opportunity to pursue my passions, with travel reigning supreme on my bucket list. Each journey offers a…

  • The Timeless Charm of “Enter The Dragon”

    Movies can be like lifelong friends, always inviting us back for another visit. Some films, not initially considered classics, surprise us by becoming timeless favourites. They hold hidden lessons and endless enjoyment that reveal themselves with each viewing. While many people prefer the grand experience of watching movies on the big screen, there are those…

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